1. Download the key driver from the link:
2. Install the key driver, and only then insert the key into the USB port.
3. We make sure with the seller that all purchased modules are activated and then download and unpack the archive with the installer and run SetupGendump.exe, then specify the installation folder, the further installation process is performed automatically.
After that, a shortcut should appear on the desktop.
1. Operating system: Windows 7, 10, 11 32 or 64 bit versions
2. Microsoft Access Database Engine must be installed, usually installed with Microsoft Office,
can be taken from here:
3. Starting with program version 7.0.0, the computer you are using must have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 or higher
4. If you have Windows 11 and when installing the Guardant key driver, you get a blue screen of death - here is a solution:
Starting with version, the program itself monitors updates and updates itself with one button, if there is Internet and a new version on the server, an update button will appear in the main form.
The installer weighs about 7 MB, with a typical installation it takes about a minute and about 60 MB is downloaded, everything should be done by itself, all you have to do is click update .. the program should close and the progress bar will crawl, then if everything is fine, the new version will open itself
For those who work in difficult conditions and there is no network, there are 2 options:
1. before leaving, look at the necessary blocks with the Internet turned on, the pictures are cached and you can watch them offline on the go.
2. download the full archive with the program and pictures separately in advance (from the link in the closed forum topic)
At the moment, updates are free.
Before starting work, it is recommended to update to the latest version. Not only are new blocks added there, but those that were already in the list are also corrected.
In case of suspicion of illegal use of the program "Dump Generator", or independent modification of the program code, or modification of the program code by third parties, the author of the program reserves the right to block USB protection keys and the operation of the program at his own discretion without explanation. Claims in such cases are not accepted.
When working with your dump, the program requires the dump you have merged, for example, in the case of SRS, this is a dump with Crash data about the accident. It is on this basis that a new corrected dump is formed. That is, if for some reason you have lost the original dump (broke the chip when unsoldering it or read it incorrectly), then there is no point in giving the program a file with empty contents. The program corrects only some areas of the dump depending on the task being performed, it will not return you the original dump entirely and claims for this reason are not accepted.
In this case, it is possible to download the dump from the server (if it is present in the dump database, a green button "download dump" appears).
The dump may not be 100% suitable for your car due to the presence of features in the contents of the dumps (VIN, encoding, etc.), but this gives a great chance to restore the unit's operability. Some dumps do not contain such data and in this case are replaceable.
Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee 100% reliability of the work. Although I try to make sure that everything works well. In any case, write to me and I will try to help you. The program has a block rating that users can increase when a specific algorithm is successfully used. Other users of the program subsequently see how many times this algorithm has successfully worked for colleagues.
The author of this program has collected data from open sources and automated the process of changing memory dumps.
The author of the program does not bear any responsibility for the use of this product and its consequences.
Dumps modified by the program can only be used in laboratories and on special test sites outside public roads.
It is possible to fill your version of the Dump Generator with information.
That is, locally on your computer, a folder will be created with a set of files you need for specific modules and blocks, any name, for example LocalHelp.
Everyone forms this data at their own discretion and understanding.
It is better to create the LocalHelp folder separately from the Dump Generator in such a place so as not to accidentally delete it when updating the program.
After updating or when you first access the program itself will ask you for the location of the folder.
You should specify the path to LocalHelp where the information will be stored in the future.
The essence is simple, select the desired block and click the Local Help button ... You can store any files in these folders, from pictures to PDF, text and others ...
SRS module
Select the desired block, specify the path to the read dump, click "start"... A second cleaned one will appear next to the dump.
The Crash checkbox means that instead of cleaning the block, digital garbage will be written to the addresses where Crash is usually written (this is the wish of some users), it will be generated randomly, by default it is disabled.
Viewing and comparing dumps: 2 windows open, on the left is the initial version, on the right - after making changes. Red - what is replaced, green - what is replaced, blue - the background color.
FAP module
The authors of the dumps on the basis of which the algorithms were created are different, and I cannot say where and from whom the dump was purchased or downloaded to create the algorithm.
The program algorithms include not just erasing the error mask as in Volta or ECUsafe, but, for the most part, competent deletion with editing of maps.
How the new algorithm for the calculator was created: the original firmware and the edited one are taken, written to which addresses and which values have changed, so if we slip your dump to the program, it will similarly change the values at the same addresses and write the same data as in the edited one.
Updates are formed as new algorithms are received.
Use the feedback form to update, correct and add new dumps ...